What's Your Favorite Taco: Questions of the Day for CrossFit Affiliates

As mentioned in one of our most popular articles “Starting Class with Introductions,” a longstanding tradition at CFSBK has been to start classes with introductions and a short Question of the Day (QOD) while we do our movement preparation. Many of you wrote to tell us you implemented the QOD and it quickly amped up the sense of community at your affiliate by setting an inclusive, fun tone for your group classes. We loved hearing that, and in the interest of keeping your game fresh, we’ve included a list of more potential QODs for you below. Let us know how it goes and post any other ideas to the Comments section.
Also, a quick side note: I just want to highlight the importance of rest as an affiliate owner and coach. I’m going on vacation for nine days to Germany and Holland (where I’ll be meeting up with the inimitable Adrian Bozman). I haven’t been away from CFSBK in awhile and this trip can't be coming at a better time. While I love what I do and think I have the best job in the world, it’s important for all of us to break our weekly routines and step back long enough to regain perspective, consider what aspects of our lives could be changed or improved, and reenter as better, more rested versions of ourselves.
And who knows, maybe I’ll visit a CrossFit affiliate in Europe and they’ll ask me one of these questions (listed in no particular order)…
What did you have for dinner last night?
What person from history would you want to do a WOD with? (Ha!)
Have you ever gone skinny-dipping?
When was the last time you peed outdoors?
What book are you reading now? And if you're not reading a book, what TV show are you watching?
What's your biggest pet peeve? (There was some extreme enthusiasm about this one!)
What's your all-time favorite book/movie/TV show?
Name one TV show or movie you consider overrated.
Beatles or Rolling Stones?
Would you rather meet an ancestor or a descendant of yours?
What would be the main course of your last meal?
What's your favorite cocktail?
If you had to describe yourself as a flavor, what would it be?
How do you take your coffee?
How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
What’s your favorite foreign city?
What’s your favorite taco?
Where have you always wanted to travel but haven’t yet visited?
The best thing you can buy for $5 or less.
Name something on your bucket list.
How many times a day do you brush your teeth.
What’s something you’re good at?
What’s something you’re not good at?
Where were you born?
Would you rather eat brains or drink blood? (AKA, Would you rather be a zombie or vampire?)
Which are better: dogs or cats?
Would you rather give yourself advice 10 years ago or get advice from your future self?
“How’s it going?”
Favorite childhood cartoon
Favorite horror movie
Favorite comedy movie
Who is your favorite action hero?
Name your favorite famous duo? (Batman and Robin, peanut butter & jelly, Beavis and Butthead, etc.)
What movement from today’s WOD are you least looking forward to?
What’s worse: rowing or running?
How many hours did you sleep last night?
What’s your favorite bar in the city?
Have you ever gone hunting before?
Have you ever shot a gun?
Have you ever been skydiving or bungee jumping?
What are other great questions we didn't list that your members loved?
Reader Comments (2)
Ha. I notice the weird alternatives (e.g., "Would you rather be attacked by one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?") are nowhere to be found on this list :P
"On a scale of one to ten, how good is today going to be?" (Asked in morning classes.)